Diagnostic equipment of the latest generation
- 12-channel ECG holters
- Holters for continuous blood pressure monitoring
- Vital signs monitors
- Spirometer
- Pulse oximeters
- Echocardiograph
- Last generation Echographers
- 12-channel ECG devices
At our clinic we have a team of more than 30 medical specialists from leading hospitals from Sofia, whom are helped by the most modern medical technology in their aim to deliver high quality medical treatment for the patients Leading for us at Medical Center Hera is the good organization, the ability to perform innovative treatment and the highly qualified doctors. All of this topped up with good attitude towards the patients helps to build their trust and allows us to conduct modern medical treatments.
Medical Treatment Office
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Медицински център Хера – клон Монтана провежда клинични проучвания в редица терапевтични области. Нашите обучени специалисти са готови да предоставят детайлна информация относно стъпките, през които минава целият процес на дадено клинично проучване.
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