What Complications Can Psoriasis Cause?
Psoriasis is a very common skin disease, especially in areas far from the equator. It affects equally men and women around the age of 22 and at the latest around the age of 55. The cases in children are mostly after the age of 10.
The usual manifestations of psoriasis are chronic scaly papules. It mainly affects the palms, scalp, face, feet, and skin folds. Plaque psoriasis, in which red spots covered with thick silver scales appear on the skin, is most common.
Nails can also be affected. Not only will they stop growing and lose their color, but they will also fall off.
There is no specific therapy for the disease, except for the application of local or systemic drugs, often combined with phototherapy. Thus, it is possible to control the symptoms, achieve some remission, and reduce the risk of further complications.
If the disease persists for a long time and is not timely treated or the therapy is inappropriate, there is a possibility of potential complications such as:
Between 10% and 30% of people with moderate to severe psoriasis may develop psoriatic arthritis. Chronic inflammatory arthritis causes stiffness and pain and leads to permanently deformed joints. The small joints of the fingers, 1-2 joints on the body, as well as the spine are usually affected.
Those who suffer from severe psoriasis are at greater risk of developing cardiovascular problems such as high blood pressure, myocardial infarction, ischemic disease, and more. Obesity, stress, and smoking are potential risk factors for both heart disease and psoriasis.
Metabolic disorders are associated with higher blood pressure, high blood sugar, more body fat, and high cholesterol. In turn, this increases the potential risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and more.
Fatty liver or steatosis is often associated with metabolic syndrome or psoriasis in general. This disease sometimes does not show any symptoms and some people live with it for a long time, while other times it can cause rapid death.
Eye diseases are more common in people affected by psoriasis. The reason is chronic inflammation, which, affecting the skin, can spread to the more delicate tissues of the eye. The most common complications are uveitis and blepharitis in addition to conjunctivitis.
Psoriasis patients who suffer from severe inflammation are most at risk of kidney disease. Some psoriasis medications can be toxic to the kidneys.
If a psoriasis patient suffers from an autoimmune disease, they are more likely to develop another one, including psoriasis. Psoriasis patients are more likely to get inflammation of the intestines, multiple sclerosis, lupus, and others.
As with all chronic diseases, psoriasis often causes emotional distress and discomfort. People with psoriasis experience anxiety and low self-esteem, which leads to their social isolation.
To prevent serious complications, psoriasis requires timely measures. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment are not recommended. Only a specialist can establish a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate therapy.
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