Menopause – symptoms and ways of overcoming the discomfort
Menopause is a natural stage in a woman’s life, but that doesn’t mean she needs to resign herself to the unpleasant symptoms and discomfort that are associated with it. Recognizing the signs of menopause is important so that a consultation with a doctor can be scheduled in order to take steps towards alleviating the condition, suppressing unpleasant symptoms, and improving the quality of life during menopause.
Menopause is a process during which menstruation stops as a result of the ovaries’ reduced hormonal function. This usually happens around the time a woman turns 50, although a number of diseases and heredity can lead to early menopause – before turning 30 – 40. A woman is considered to have reached menopause when she has not had a period for a year. This does not happen suddenly, women go through a period of perimenopause, during which the symptoms of the onset of the climacteric appear and intensify.
The most significant changes are observed in the levels of the primary female hormone – estrogen. At the beginning of perimenopause, its levels can rise and fall unevenly. Some months, ovulation may not occur – no eggs are released. Pregnancy is still possible. When true menopause occurs, estrogen levels are permanently decreased and those of the luteinizing hormone, produced by the pituitary gland and related to the proper functioning of the ovaries, are increased.
During perimenopause, which has a different duration for each woman, women may complain of various ailments and changes in body and self-esteem. Symptoms include one, several, or all of the following:
Menopause is a natural process associated with many unpleasant symptoms, most of which can be controlled and relieved. Your gynecologist can help you get through this stage of your life more easily. You will also feel relief when you adapt your lifestyle to menopause. Useful for relieving menopausal symptoms are:
A good-quality, happy life without discomfort is possible during both perimenopause and menopause. Your gynecologist can help you. Don’t put off your consultation.
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