Melanoma – types and how to recognize it
Melanoma is the most aggressive and dangerous skin cancer that metastasizes quickly. Timely diagnosis and treatment are crucial to the prognosis of the disease. This makes early detection of alarming symptoms of melanoma essential.
Melanoma is a skin tumor which arises in melanocytes that have become cancerous. It is usually brownish or black in color. It can develop from an existing mole as well as directly on the skin. Types of melanoma:
If you notice a drastic change in the size and shape of your mole, pain or bleeding, a newly formed “mole” that looks unnatural and is increasing in size, see your dermatologist. Undergo a preventive examination at least once a year and in the meantime, watch out for the following signs of melanoma that distinguish it from a normal mole:
Melanoma grows rapidly and aggressively into the dermis, which drastically increases the risk of early metastases. Melanoma cells can spread through the lymphatic vessels and reach the lymph nodes and distant organs in the body. Distant metastases can occur early and involve vital organs, which can be fatal.
Prevention and early diagnosis significantly increase the chances of recovery. Building a habit to see a dermatologist twice a year is a guarantee for early detection of dangerous skin changes and early diagnosis of cancer. Another factor complicating the early detection of melanoma is its location. Although less common, melanoma can form on the scalp under the hair, on the mucous membranes or under the nails, which makes it difficult to detect. During an initial examination, specialists may notice changes that need to be monitored or further clarified.
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