
Key Vitamins and Minerals for Heart Health



Key Vitamins and Minerals for Heart Health

Cardiovascular diseases are a leading cause of death globally. In Bulgaria, according to data from the Ministry of Health, two out of three people die from cardiovascular disease. At the same time, prophylaxis and early symptoms of heart conditions are often ignored. However, in many cases, control of the disease, together with improved diet, exercise, and proper rest, can prolong and save a patient’s life. A key factor for cardiac health is the intake of vitamins and minerals beneficial to the heart.

Which Are the Key Vitamins and Minerals for a Strong Heart?

  • Magnesium – It’s essential for regulating the normal function of the central nervous system and the muscles. The heart is a muscle that also needs the mineral in order to function properly. Severe magnesium deficiency is a serious condition that could lead to premature aging of the heart muscle. Magnesium deficiency also leads to calcium buildup, which may cause vascular smooth muscle hypercontraction – a serious condition that may result in a heart attack. Supplemental intake of magnesium improves the condition of the cardiovascular system and speeds up the recovery process for patients suffering from heart disease. Ensuring the body gets the necessary daily amount of the mineral significantly reduces the risk of sudden cardiac death in women.
  • Vitamin E – This vitamin has been proven to prevent atherosclerotic plaque formation. By keeping blood vessel walls resistant to damage, it can lower the risk of a life-threatening heart attack in a certain patient group. Clinical trials with control groups highlight its beneficial effect on the prevention of cardiovascular accidents in patients with certain types of diabetes as well as in patients on hemodialysis. The clinical benefit to these groups is clearly expressed. Thus, vitamin E intake is an important part of cardiovascular disease prevention in these patients.
  • Vitamin C – It has proven antioxidant properties. It neutralizes the free radicals and is necessary for the health of the cardiovascular system. Vitamin C is an affordable prevention tool against heart diseases and cerebral vascular accidents. Supplemental daily intake of at least 500mg of vitamin C can decrease the serum concentrations of cholesterol and triglycerides. A study by the Harvard School of Public Health shows that the daily intake of vitamin C reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and improves endothelial function and lipid profile. Research suggests that vitamin C deficiency is associated with a higher risk of mortality from cardiovascular diseases.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids – They protect the heart and regulate blood pressure. They’re recommended as a dietary supplement for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
  • B-Complex – It protects the arteries and significantly slows the progression of early subclinical atherosclerosis in healthy individuals. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose! According to a study by the American Heart Association, taking excessive doses of vitamin B6 has the reverse effect in people who have suffered a cardiac accident – it increases the risk of another heart attack, while taking moderate doses reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks, and death due to them.

In addition to the intake of vitamins and minerals, sports and an active lifestyle are also important to heart health, as are avoiding caffeine, stress, and smoking, a healthy, diversified diet, good sleep, and regular checkups with a cardiologist.

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