
Check out the new website of Hera Medical Center!



We are proud to present the new official website of Medical Center Hera!

We are proud to present the new official website of Medical Center Hera!

The vision and attitude typical for Medical Center Hera was the main driving force behind this project.

We did our best to create a website intended to serve as an instrument. It gives easy access to detailed information about every aspect of our work. Navigation between all the sections of the website is flawless thanks to the intuitive structure of the platform. We made sure that all of the content is easily accessible even through a mobile device.

The simple design helps the website’s functionality.

Detailed introduction of Medical Center Hera’s team

This brand new website is more than just a source of information. It is a portal meant to answer every question our patients might have.

All of our clients, partners, and friends will have the chance to meet our qualified specialists. The Medical Center Hera team is the force behind our success. We are honored to work with more than 20 respected professionals working in different branches of medicine, such as Pediatrics, Gynecology, Cardiology, Pediatric Pulmonology, Endocrinology, Surgery, Pediatric Endocrinology, Internal Diseases, Rheumatology, Clinical Allergology, Pulmonology, Neurology and more.

Every team member is introduced with a detailed resume presenting their professional qualifications and experience.

Every team member is introduced with a detailed resume presenting their professional qualifications and experience.

Due to the frequent quotes we receive regarding Medical Center Hera’s exact location, we added a detailed map in the Contact section.

Patients who choose to visit us with their personal vehicles can use the free parking located next to the center.

Those who prefer public transport should choose the following bus lines: А100, А85, А285, ТР2, and ТР4. The “Macgahan” bus stop is located a few minutes away from the center.

Except for contacting us over the phone, all patients are welcome to book an appointment online, as well as to be consulted by a doctor via the platform. The clever interface is a quick and easy way to book your appointment.

Social media profiles and partners

Our Facebook page is active and you can book a medic or receive information there. News, updates, and campaigns will be shared on that page, as well as in the blog section of this website. You can also visit our LinkedIn and Instagram profiles.

In the Contact section, you will find additional information about our Hera Pharmacies – our trusted partners with four different locations in Sofia. Hera Pharmacies are very popular and have more than two decades of experience in the pharmaceutical business.

Administrative information related to Medical Center Hera’s services

Medical Center Hera has a signed contract with the National Health Insurance Fund valid until 2022. This enables all patients to use our services after receiving a medical referral from their general practitioner or another specialist. We also work with the biggest private health insurance funds, such as Generali, Allianz Bulgaria, DZI, Doverie, and FiHealth.

The website contains pricing information related to all of our services.

The Clinical Trials section is dedicated to providing information about what clinical trial is, the regulations related to them, as well the rights participants have. We have mentioned the ways a candidate could join active clinical trials as well.

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